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Exceptional dining experience and cuisine, by countries - Top 10, Michelin 3-Star Restaurants - 1. Japan (28), 2. France (27), 3. USA (14), 4. Spain (11), etc.

Published by Naanii Global Team in Gourmet, Fine Dining, Top Restaurants · 28/11/2017 12:39:18
Tags: MichelinGuide20183starredrestaurantsTop10bycountries;1.Japan2.France3.USA4.Spain4.Germany5.China6.Italy7.UK8.Switzerland;9.Belgium;10.SouthKorea

Michelin Red Guide:
'The oldest European hotel and restaurant reference guide, which awards Michelin stars for excellence to a select few restaurants.' Wipikedia

*** stars rated Restaurants:  These restaurant provide exceptional cuisine and dining experience where distinctive dishes are executed using outstanding ingredients.

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