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Gourmet & Wine: 38th edition International Wine Challenge 2021, the ultimate WINNERs list reveiled 30.June 2021 !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL in Gourmet, Fine Dining, Top Restaurants · 30/6/2021 22:54:56
Tags: IWCInternationalWineChallenge2021resultsIWC;



INTERNATIONAL WINE Challenge - Trophy - RESULTS 30. June 2021


Congratulations all WINNER !

In its 38th year, the International Wine Challenge (IWC) is accepted as the world’s most rigorous, impartial and influential annual wine competition.

There is one annual tasting for the International Wine Challenge (IWC). This will take place in April every year.

The rigorous IWC judging process assesses every wine ‘blind’ and judges each for its faithfulness to style, region and vintage.  Each IWC medal-winning wine will be tasted on at least three separate occasions by a minimum of 2 panels of judges tasting together, and then tasted by 2 Co-Chairs to verify the panel results.  The IWC judging teams include experts and influencers from the international wine industry, commercial decision makers, buyers and MWs working in unison to find the highest quality wines each year from the 52 wine-producing countries represented in the competition.

Why is IWC competition different?
An IWC medal-winning wine is tasted by a minimum of 8 judges before being awarded. The rigorous process is respected by international wine retailers and buyers and opens the door for international trade communication.
All wines are tasted blind with no pricing or producer information provided.  Wines are grouped by Type, Region, Alcohol & Sugar %, ensuring similar wines are judged together.
All IWC wine results are hosted on the IWC website alongside a bottle photo to ensure trade and consumers can easily identify the winning wine.

IWC Medal system
Trophy Winners and Special Awards ‘Best in Show’ wines and winemakers
Gold Medal (95 – 100 points)
Silver Medal (90 – 94 points)
Bronze Medal
Commended Award


IWC 2022 Timeline

There is one annual tasting for the International Wine Challenge (IWC). This will take place in April every year.

IWC 2022 entry opens on 28th September 2021; Entry closes: 17th March 2022


foto: copyright IWC, all rights reserved

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