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Sailing: 11th Vela Clásica Menorca - Copa del Rey - Panerai Trophy, 26.-30.08.2017

Published by Naanii Global Team + Sail journalists Redbull in Segeln-Sailing-Vela-Voile · 26/8/2017 09:44:27
Tags: ClassicYachtsVelaclásicaBigBoatsPaneraiTrophy


In this spanish eighth round of the 10th anniversary Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge, more than 30 vessels have been entered so far in an event that spans four different categories:
Vintage (launched before December 31st 1949);
Classic (between 1950 and December 31st 1975);
Big Boat (over 23 metres) and
Spirit of Tradition (vessels launched after 1975 but vintage or classic in design).

Competing are for example the 'Manitou', a 1937 sailing vessel designed by the legendary Olin Stephens. She was once used as the presidential yacht by President John F. Kennedy and was nicknamed the Floating White House as a result. -  and in the Big Boat category entrants include Mariette, the reigning champion in the class, and Mariquita along with the Hallowe’en and Elena of London. Moonbeam IV will be competing in the same category this year too. The latter yacht was purchased by Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1950 and he also honeymooned aboard with his bride, actress Grace Kelly. The Prince sold Moonbeam IV to Hannibal Scott in 1960.

So this Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge circuit has attracted boats from Spain, Italy, the UK, Malta, the USA, Germany, Holland, Argentina and Russia, the oldest vessel in the fleet being the Marigold, an 18-metre gaff cutter launched by the Camper & Nicholson shipyard in 1892.

This regatta is jointly organised by the Club Marítimo de Mahón and the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona, and officially gets underway when the regatta office opens to confirm entries at 12 noon on August 26th. At 8 pm the following day, the crews will receive a formal welcome at the Club Marítimo de Mahón while the actual racing plays out between August 28th and 30th.

Foto: Copyright  Panerai Classic Yacht Challenge, all rights reserved.

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